
Skaffold: Automate Your Kubernetes Deployments and Save Time 🐳
Photo by Saifeddine Rajhi

Skaffold: Automate Your Kubernetes Deployments and Save Time 🐳

β€’ 6mins read
  • Skaffold
  • Kubernetes
  • automation
  • Platform engineering
  • DevOps


    Automated Container Image Updating for Kubernetes

    πŸ”Š Introduction

    Traditional container image updating processes often involve multiple steps and can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with large and complex applications. The manual nature of these processes can also lead to inconsistencies and errors, making it challenging to maintain a seamless deployment workflow.

    Skaffold addresses these challenges by automating the container image updating process, allowing developers to focus on writing code rather than managing the deployment pipeline. By continuously monitoring for changes in the source code, Skaffold triggers the build, push, and deploy workflow seamlessly, ensuring that the latest version of the code is always reflected in the container image.


    πŸ— What is Skaffold

    Skaffold is a command line tool that provides continuous development for applications released to either local or remote Kubernetes clusters.

    Skaffold aims to simplify the cloud-native development journey for software developers, and is particularly helpful for software teams that would benefit from:

    • Application debugging
    • A toolkit to create continuous integration/continuous delivery pipelines
    • An automated approach to building Docker images and Kubernetes YAML manifest image tagging
    • Quick reflections of source code changes in their Kubernetes clusters

    Skaffold is an open-source project from Google that has been generally available since November 7, 2019, and is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

    πŸ“Œ Features

    • Fast local Kubernetes Development

      • Optimized "Source to Kubernetes": Skaffold detects changes in your source code and handles the pipeline to build, push, test, and deploy your application automatically with policy-based image tagging and highly optimized, fast local workflows.
      • Continuous feedback: Skaffold automatically manages deployment logging and resource port-forwarding.
    • Skaffold projects work everywhere

      • Share with other developers: Skaffold is the easiest way to share your project with the world: git clone and skaffold run.
      • Context aware: Use Skaffold profiles, local user config, environment variables, and flags to easily incorporate differences across environments.
      • Platform aware: Use cross-platform and multi-platform build support, with automatic platform detection, to easily handle operating system and architecture differences between the development machine and Kubernetes cluster nodes.
    • CI/CD building blocks

      • Use skaffold build, skaffold test, and skaffold deploy as part of your CI/CD pipeline, or simply skaffold run end-to-end.
      • GitOps integration: Use skaffold render to build your images and render templated Kubernetes manifests for use in GitOps workflows.
    • skaffold.yaml

      • A single pluggable, declarative configuration for your project.
    • skaffold init

      • Skaffold can discover your build and deployment configuration and generate a Skaffold config.
    • Multi-component apps

      • Skaffold supports applications with many components, making it great for microservice-based applications.
    • Bring your own tools

      • Skaffold has a pluggable architecture, allowing for different implementations of the build and deploy stages.
    • Lightweight

      • Client-side only: Skaffold has no cluster-side component, so there's no overhead or maintenance burden to your cluster.
      • Minimal pipeline: Skaffold provides an opinionated, minimal pipeline to keep things simple.

    Skaffold Workflow and Architecture

    Skaffold simplifies your development workflow by organizing common development stages into one simple command. Every time you run skaffold dev, the system:

    1. Collects and watches your source code for changes.
    2. Syncs files directly to pods if user marks them as syncable.
    3. Builds artifacts from the source code.
    4. Tests the built artifacts using container-structure-tests or custom scripts.
    5. Tags the artifacts.
    6. Pushes the artifacts.
    7. Deploys the artifacts.
    8. Monitors the deployed artifacts.
    9. Cleans up deployed artifacts on exit (Ctrl+C).

    πŸš€ How to Implement Skaffold

    In this section, we walk through running Skaffold on a small Kubernetes app built with Docker inside minikube and deployed with kubectl.


    • minikube
    • Skaffold
    • Docker Hub Account (or another container registry, like Amazon ECR, GitLab Container Registry, or Google Container Registry)

    In this quickstart, you will

    • Use skaffold init to bootstrap your Skaffold config.
    • Use skaffold dev to automatically build and deploy your application when your code changes.
    • Use skaffold build and skaffold test to tag, push, and test your container images.
    • Use skaffold render and skaffold apply to generate and deploy Kubernetes manifests as part of a GitOps workflow.

    Set up and hands-on

    This tutorial requires Skaffold, minikube, and kubectl.

    1. Install Skaffold: Installation Guide
    2. Install kubectl: Installation Guide
    3. Install minikube: Installation Guide

    This tutorial uses minikube because Skaffold knows how to build the app using the Docker daemon hosted inside minikube. This means we don't need a registry to host the app's container images.

    Clone the sample app

    Let's get a sample application set up to use Skaffold.

    git clone
    cd skaffold/examples/buildpacks-node-tutorial

    Initialize Skaffold

    Your working directory is the application directory, skaffold/examples/buildpacks-node-tutorial. This will be our root Skaffold directory. This sample application is written in Node, but Skaffold is language-agnostic and works with any containerized application.

    Bootstrap Skaffold configuration

    Run the following command to generate a skaffold.yaml config file:

    skaffold init

    When asked which builders you would like to create Kubernetes resources for, press enter to accept the default selection. When asked if you want to write this configuration to skaffold.yaml, type "y" for yes.

    Open your new skaffold.yaml, generated at skaffold/examples/buildpacks-node-tutorial/skaffold.yaml. All of your Skaffold configuration lives in this file. We will go into more detail about how it works in later steps.

    Use Skaffold for continuous development

    Skaffold speeds up your development loop by automatically building and deploying the application whenever your code changes.

    Start minikube

    To see this in action, let's start up minikube so Skaffold has a cluster to run your application.

    minikube start --profile custom
    skaffold config set --global local-cluster true
    eval $(minikube -p custom docker-env)

    This may take several minutes.

    Use skaffold dev

    Run the following command to begin using Skaffold for continuous development:

    skaffold dev

    Notice how Skaffold automatically builds and deploys your application. You should see the following application output in your terminal:

    Example app listening on port 3000!

    To browse to the web page, open a new terminal and run:

    minikube tunnel -p custom

    Now open your browser at http://localhost:3000. This displays the content of public/index.html file.

    Skaffold is now watching for any file changes and will rebuild your application automatically. Let's see this in action.

    Open skaffold/examples/buildpacks-node-tutorial/src/index.js and change line 10 to the following:

    app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}! This is version 2.`))

    Notice how Skaffold automatically hot reloads your code changes to your application running in minikube, intelligently syncing only the file you changed. Your application is now automatically deployed with the changes you made, as it prints the following to your terminal:

    Example app listening on port 3000! This is version 2.

    Exit dev mode:

    Let's stop continuous dev mode by pressing the following keys in your terminal:


    Skaffold will clean up all deployed artifacts and end dev mode.

    Use Skaffold for continuous integration

    While Skaffold shines for continuous development, it can also be used for continuous integration (CI). Let's use Skaffold to build and test a container image.

    Build an image

    Your CI pipelines can run skaffold build to build, tag, and push your container images to a registry.

    Try this out by running the following command:

    export STATE=$(git rev-list -1 HEAD --abbrev-commit)
    skaffold build --file-output build-$STATE.json

    Skaffold writes the output of the build to a JSON file, which we'll pass to our continuous delivery (CD) process in the next step.

    Test an image

    Skaffold can also run tests against your images before deploying them. Let's try this out by creating a simple custom test.

    Open your skaffold.yaml and add the following test configuration to the bottom, without any additional indentation:

    - image: skaffold-buildpacks-node
            - command: echo This is a custom test command!

    Now you have a simple custom test set up that will run a bash command and await a successful response.

    Run the following command to execute this test with Skaffold:

    skaffold test --build-artifacts build-$STATE.json

    Use Skaffold for continuous delivery

    Let's learn how Skaffold can handle continuous delivery (CD).

    Deploy in a single step

    For simple deployments, run skaffold deploy:

    skaffold deploy -a build-$STATE.json

    Skaffold hydrates your Kubernetes manifest with the image you built and tagged in the previous step, and deploys the application.

    Render and apply in separate steps

    For GitOps delivery workflows, you may want to decompose your deployments into separate render and apply phases. That way, you can commit your hydrated Kubernetes manifests to source control before they are applied.

    Run the following command to render a hydrated manifest:

    skaffold render -a build-$STATE.json --output render.yaml --digest-source local

    Open skaffold/examples/buildpacks-node-tutorial/render.yaml to check out the hydrated manifest.

    Next, run the following command to apply your hydrated manifest:

    skaffold apply render.yaml

    You have now successfully deployed your application in two ways.

    Congratulations, you successfully deployed with Skaffold! πŸŽ‰

    You have learned how to use Skaffold for continuous development, integration, and delivery.

    πŸ“‘ Conclusion

    As Kubernetes applications become more prevalent in the software development landscape, software teams, and businesses should encourage and enable their developers to make use of Kubernetes in a way that doesn't complicate their inner development loop.

    Software developers' primary concern should be using efficient workflows to deliver high-quality software, and the complexities of Kubernetes shouldn't get in their way.

    Skaffold is a tool that automates and abstracts the workflow for software developers, allowing for cloud-native development with Kubernetes without compromising on developer experience, efficiency, or best practices.

    Until next time, ぀γ₯く πŸŽ‰

    πŸ’‘ Thank you for Reading !! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜πŸ“ƒ, see you in the next blog.🀘 Until next time πŸŽ‰

    πŸš€ Thank you for sticking up till the end. If you have any questions/feedback regarding this blog feel free to connect with me:

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    The end ✌🏻

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