
Cluster Proportional Autoscaler CPA: Adjust your core services to match your growing infrastructure 🌁
Photo by Saifeddine Rajhi

Cluster Proportional Autoscaler CPA: Adjust your core services to match your growing infrastructure 🌁

β€’ 6mins read
  • Kubernetes
  • CPA
  • Autoscaling
  • DevOps


    Easily scale your Kubernetes cluster with CPA ♻️

    πŸ“Œ Introduction

    In this blog, we will talk about the Cluster Proportional Autoscaler (CPA), a tool that makes it easier to scale your Kubernetes cluster. Unlike traditional autoscalers that rely on metrics like CPU and memory usage, CPA scales your app replicas directly based on the number of nodes or cores in your cluster.

    CPA offers two flexible scaling methodsβ€Šβ€”β€Šlinear scaling and ladder scalingβ€Šβ€”β€Šallowing you to choose the approach that best fits your needs. It also includes helpful features like ensuring a minimum number of replicas, preventing single points of failure, and including unschedulable nodes when scaling.

    πŸ“ˆ CPA: Scaling in Sync with Your Cluster Size

    If you have a workload that needs to scale in proportion to the size of the cluster itself, the CPA may be appropriate to use. While it has a narrower use-case and is generally useful only for cluster services like DNS, it has a very simple operating model and fewer dependencies.

    βš™οΈ How the Cluster Proportional Autoscaler Works

    CPA is a horizontal pod autoscaler that scales replicas based on the number of nodes in a cluster. The proportional autoscaler container watches over the number of schedulable nodes and cores of a cluster and resizes the number of replicas. This functionality is desirable for applications that need to be autoscaled with the size of the cluster such as CoreDNS and other services that scale with the number of nodes/pods in a cluster.

    CPA has Golang API clients running inside pods that connect to the API Server and polls the number of nodes and cores in the cluster. The scaling parameters and data points are provided via a ConfigMap to the autoscaler and it refreshes its parameters table every poll interval to be up to date with the latest desired scaling parameters. Unlike other autoscalers, CPA does not rely on the Metrics API and does not require the Metrics Server.

    CPA Diagram

    πŸ“Š Scaling Methods of the CPA

    CPA offers two flexible scaling methods:

    πŸ”„ Linear Scaling

    This scaling method will scale the application in direct proportion to the number of nodes or cores available in the cluster. Either the coresPerReplica or nodesPerReplica parameter can be omitted.

    • When preventSinglePointFailure is set to true, the controller ensures at least 2 replicas if there are more than one node.
    • When includeUnschedulableNodes is set to true, the replicas will be scaled based on the total number of nodes, otherwise, they will only scale based on the number of schedulable nodes.

    The equation for linear control mode is:

    replicas = max( ceil( cores * 1/coresPerReplica ) , ceil( nodes * 1/nodesPerReplica ) )
    replicas = min(replicas, max)
    replicas = max(replicas, min)

    πŸ“‰ Ladder Scaling

    This scaling method uses a step function to determine the ratio of nodes:replicas and/or cores:replicas. The step ladder function uses the data points for core and node scaling from the ConfigMap, and the lookup that yields the higher number of replicas will be used as the target scaling number.

    Either the coresPerReplica or nodesPerReplica parameter can be omitted. Replicas can also be set to 0, unlike in linear mode, which can be used to enable optional features as the cluster grows.

    The ConfigMap for ladder scaling looks like this:

        ladder: |-
                    [ 1, 1 ],
                    [ 64, 3 ],
                    [ 512, 5 ],
                    [ 1024, 7 ],
                    [ 2048, 10 ],
                    [ 4096, 15 ]
                    [ 1, 1 ],
                    [ 2, 2 ]

    By using these flexible scaling methods, CPA allows you to choose the approach that best fits your Kubernetes cluster's needs.

    βš–οΈ CPA vs HPA

    The key differences between CPA and the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) are:

    • CPA scales based on the number of nodes/cores in the cluster, while HPA scales based on CPU/memory utilization.
    • CPA does not rely on the Metrics API or Metrics Server, unlike HPA.
    • CPA uses a simple control loop to watch cluster size and scale the target workload, while HPA is a Kubernetes API resource.
    • CPA is well-suited for cluster services that need to scale with the overall cluster size, while HPA is more general-purpose.

    The choice between CPA and HPA depends on the specific scaling needs of the workloads in your Kubernetes environment. CPA provides a more cluster-centric scaling approach, while HPA responds to resource utilization metrics.

    πŸ› οΈ Hands-on Example

    In this section, we'll be installing CPA using Kustomize manifests. The main part of which is the Deployment resource below:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        name: dns-autoscaler
        namespace: other
            k8s-app: dns-autoscaler
                k8s-app: dns-autoscaler
                    k8s-app: dns-autoscaler
                        type: RuntimeDefault
                    supplementalGroups: [ 65534 ]
                    fsGroup: 65534
                - name: autoscaler
                                    cpu: "20m"
                                    memory: "10Mi"
                        - /cluster-proportional-autoscaler
                        - --namespace=kube-system
                        - --configmap=dns-autoscaler
                        - --target=Deployment/coredns
                        - --default-params={"linear":{"nodesPerReplica":2,"min":2,"max":6,"preventSinglePointFailure":true,"includeUnschedulableNodes":true}}
                        - --logtostderr=true
                        - --v=2
                - key: "CriticalAddonsOnly"
                    operator: "Exists"
                serviceAccountName: dns-autoscaler

    Then run the following commands:

    git clone
    kubectl apply -f cpa-eks-demo/

    This will create a Deployment in the kube-system namespace which we can inspect:

    kubectl get deployment dns-autoscaler -n other

    After CPA starts up, it will automatically create a ConfigMap we can modify to adjust its configuration:

    kubectl describe configmap dns-autoscaler -n kube-system
    Name:         dns-autoscaler
    Namespace:    other
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    Events:  <none>

    πŸ“‘ Autoscaling CoreDNS

    CoreDNS is the default DNS service for Kubernetes that runs in Pods with the label k8s-app=kube-dns. In this lab exercise, we'll autoscale CoreDNS based on the number of schedulable nodes and cores of our cluster. Cluster Proportional Autoscaler will resize the number of CoreDNS replicas.

    Currently, we're running a 2-node cluster:

    kubectl get nodes
    NAME                                            STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION     Ready    <none>   30m   v1.29-eks-tbdl     Ready    <none>   30m   v1.29-eks-tbdl

    Based on autoscaling parameters defined in the ConfigMap, we see Cluster Proportional Autoscaler scale CoreDNS to 2 replicas:

    kubectl get po -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns
    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    coredns-5db97b446d-5zwws   1/1     Running   0          66s
    coredns-5db97b446d-n5mp4   1/1     Running   0          89m

    If we increase the size of the EKS cluster to 5 nodes, Cluster Proportional Autoscaler will scale up the number of replicas of CoreDNS to accommodate for it:

    aws eks update-nodegroup-config --cluster-name $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
        --nodegroup-name $EKS_DEFAULT_MNG_NAME --scaling-config desiredSize=$(($EKS_DEFAULT_MNG_DESIRED+3))
    aws eks wait nodegroup-active --cluster-name $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
        --nodegroup-name $EKS_DEFAULT_MNG_NAME
    kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready nodes --all --timeout=120s

    Kubernetes now shows the 5 nodes in a Ready state:

    kubectl get nodes
    NAME                                          STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION    Ready    <none>   61s   v1.29-eks-tbdl     Ready    <none>   124m  v1.29-eks-tbdl    Ready    <none>   6m39s v1.29-eks-tbdl    Ready    <none>   61s   v1.29-eks-tbdl    Ready    <none>   6m20s v1.29-eks-tbdl

    And we can see that the number of CoreDNS Pods has increased:

    kubectl get po -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns
    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    coredns-657694c6f4-klj6w   1/1     Running   0          14h
    coredns-657694c6f4-tdzsd   1/1     Running   0          54s
    coredns-657694c6f4-wmnnc   1/1     Running   0          14h

    You can take a look at the CPA logs to see how it responded to the change in the number of nodes in our cluster:

    kubectl logs deploy/dns-autoscaler -n other
    I0801 15:02:45.330307       1 k8sclient.go:272] Cluster status: SchedulableNodes[1], SchedulableCores[2]
    I0801 15:02:45.330328       1 k8sclient.go:273] Replicas are not as expected : updating replicas from 2 to 3

    πŸ“ Conclusion

    In summary, CPA provides a straightforward solution for efficiently managing and scaling Kubernetes clusters alongside infrastructure growth. By dynamically adjusting resources based on proportional scaling principles, CPA ensures optimal performance and cost-effectiveness while maintaining stability.

    Until next time, ぀γ₯く πŸŽ‰

    πŸ’‘ Thank you for Reading !! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜πŸ“ƒ, see you in the next blog.🀘 Until next time πŸŽ‰

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